Life in the Unsearchable Riches of Christ

The Golden Candlestick Nos. 181-183 is a series of messages given by T. Austin-Sparks during the Wabanna Christian Conference in 1966. The audio recording of the whole conference with Stephen Kaung, Deverne Fromke and T. Austin-Sparks as main speakers can be found on the Christian Testimony Ministry web site. We did not know the correct sequence of messages, but an original conference schedule made it clear. A part of it is shown below. Most of the messages given by T. Austin-Sparks during this convocation were transcribed already and we used these manuscripts. Messages (Chapters) 2 and 4 were transcribed by ourselves.

A part of the original schedule of the Wabana Conference (Atlantic State Christian Convocation), July 1966

The audio recordings of these messages have been distributed with the title "The Unsearchable Riches of Christ", but we chose to use the original title, "Life in the Unsearchable Riches of Christ". Obviously the speakers wanted to emphasize the practical application of the theme and put "LIFE in …" before "The Unsearchable Riches of Christ" for that reason.