Covenant Renewal and the Testimony of Jesus – part 4

This issue of The Golden Candlestick is the last part of a series of meetings with the title “Jeremiah — a Child over the Nations”. T. Austin-Sparks reflects on Jeremiah’s twofold ministry to expose Israel’s idolatry and unfold God’s plan of universal restoration in Christ. The two aspects are strongly connected. Israel was God’s elected vessel to bring about the cradle of the Saviour of mankind. It was the prophet’s task to call God’s people to return to His covenant with them. The burden of the conference was that a similar ministry is needed in our days, now with regard to the church as God’s chosen vessel to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.

The message of the last three meetings of the conference mainly conveys the consecration of the church to the Lord. The covenant has two sides. God has given everything — His Son — and rightfully expects His children to exploit the benefits, put away the influences of the flesh on the ground of the cross of Christ and live out a life that is empowered by the resurrection of Christ.

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Februari 2022
On behalf of The Golden Candlestick team,
Hugo de Jong